Invest In The Hiring Process

In today's Internet paced world, many new companies feel they simply don't have time to invest in the hiring process. But doing it right can prevent major headaches down the road.

As we continue with our roadmap for success, we move on to the issue of hiring employees for your new enterprise. Hiring new employees is another example of a critical situation facing startups that if not handled correctly from the onset - will probably never be rectifiable. In today's Internet paced world, time is everything. Many new companies simply do not have the time or the personnel to properly hire new employees. Yet, a proper investment of your time during the hiring process will save you a lot if time in the future, and more importantly will prevent major headaches and even catastrophes for you and your company. Today's Enable provides you with some tips that will help you hire the right person for the job. The key is to invest a little time now - to save a lot of time later on.

What Is The Cover Letter Like?

Most companies try to weed out candidates as quickly as possible. A good method for doing this is via the cover letter. Does it show that the candidate investigated the firm in any way? Are there spelling or grammar mistakes? If it was faxed, was it sent from the potential employees current place of business (check the header of the fax)? Is there some kind of a statement that stands out and demonstrates that this candidate is serious? Is the cover letter a little too haughty? No cover letter at all could be an indication of either laziness or lack of experience. A very well done, professional cover letter is an excellent indication that the candidate is serious.

Resumes Are Sometimes Wish Lists

It is very easy for almost anyone to put together an impressive looking resume. As you review a potential employee's resume, take nothing for granted. You must check each and every "fact" very carefully because many items may be exaggerated or even a figment of the potential employees imagination. A friend of mine once told me that his rule for drafting a resume was - "if it could have been true, I put it in."

Check References!!

One of the most important, yet often ignored ways of insuring that you hire the best person for the job is to check their references. Use the telephone and email to contact each and every reference and try to learn as much as you can about the prospective employee. Other than simply checking to make sure everything on the resume is true, you should also ask questions like:

  • What is the candidate's greatest asset?
  • How did the candidate add value to the company?
  • How did the candidate interact with co-workers?
  • Is there anything negative you can say about the candidate?
  • Why did the candidate leave?

The most important question you must ask is: "Can you give me names of other people at your company, or outside of the company (like clients or suppliers), whom I can speak with?". This will help you learn more and will enable you to deal with "cherry picked" references.

The Turndown - Be Professional

It is highly professional to send out "rejection" letters to all candidates that sent you their resumes. Most companies, especially those in Israel fail to do this. Business is all marketing. The candidates that you have decided not to hire - for whatever reason will all most likely find jobs at other companies in your industry. Do not use obvious form letters and the like. If you do not have time for a professional letter, at least send an email. Israel is a very small country, and your paths will cross with many of the candidates. Your reputation is very important and a professional turndown can pay off in the future.

Next week we will deal with executive search firms and with using the Internet to find potential employees.

Published by Israel's Business Arena on January 10, 2000.

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