GDP per capita hits record high

Israel’s GDP per capita in terms of purchasing power parity reached $27,688 in 2006.

The Bank of Israel reports that Israel’s GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power parity was $27,688 in 2006, placing Israel 21st in a list that includes Israel and the 30 OECD countries. The OECD average was $30,872. The figures are based on the latest estimates by the Central Bureau of Statistics and OECD. Israel’s GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power parity was $26,051 in 2005.

The Bank of Israel adds that the World Economic Outlook published in April 2007 estimates Israel’s PPP-adjusted per capita GDP in 2007, at $ 31,767, which puts Israel at eighteenth place on the list with the OECD countries. That comparison of per capita GDP shows that Israel is in a similar position to that of several OECD countries, including France ($ 31,872) and Germany ($ 32,178), and not very different from the OECD average of $ 32,098.

On the basis of Central Bureau of Statistics/OECD data, Israel ranked behind, in descending order, Norway, the US, Ireland, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Australia, Belgium, the UK, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Japan, France, Greece, Italy, and Spain. Israel topped New Zealand, South Korea, Portgula, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Mexico, and Turkey.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on August 28, 2007

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