Solel Boneh in $672m Guatemala road deal

The company will build and maintain a 330-km section of the Plan Pueblo Panama corridor.

Solel Boneh International Ltd. has won a Guatemala government contract to rebuild and maintain the 330-kilometer Transversal del Norte, part of the Plan Pueblo Panama, a development corridor running from Puebla, Mexico, to Panama in a $672 million deal. Construction is due to take three years and maintenance work will continue for ten years. The Guatemala government will repay the investment over the 30-year franchise period.

Solel Boneh says that the cost of the project is $242 million, and the maintenance work is $43 million. The Guatemala government’s payments during the franchise period, including financing costs, are $672 million.

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE) will finance 85% of the project’s cost, and Solel Boneh will finance the balance from equity and owners loans.

Solel Boneh International is a sub-subsidiary of Housing and Construction Holding Co. Ltd. (Shikun u'Binui) (TASE: HUCN), held through Solel Boneh Building and Infrastructure Ltd.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on April 15, 2007

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